Schedule in-home care exactly when you need it

Our Personal Care service is tailored to meet the individual needs of our clients who require assistance with activities of daily living to maintain their independence and well-being. We understand that personal care tasks can be challenging for some individuals due to age, illness, or disability.

We are here to help when you need us
  • On call 24/7 for client needs
  • Flexible and fast scheduling
  • Regular quality assurance
  • Thorough care management and family support
  • Double the care team staff of other agencies
personal care

Benefits of Our Personal Care Service

  • Maintained Dignity: We approach personal care tasks with the utmost respect for our clients’ dignity and independence, ensuring they feel comfortable and valued throughout the process.
  • Enhanced Safety: Our trained caregivers are skilled in safe handling techniques, reducing the risk of accidents and promoting a secure environment for our clients.
  • Peace of Mind: Families can have peace of mind knowing their loved ones are receiving personalized care and support from compassionate professionals in the comfort of their own home.
  • Improved Quality of Life: By assisting with activities of daily living, we aim to enhance our clients’ quality of life, enabling them to remain independent and engaged in their daily routines.

Why choose us?

At Exclusive Heroes Care Services, we are committed to providing personalized and compassionate Personal Care services that empower our clients to live life to the fullest while receiving the support they need to thrive. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you or your loved one with our Personal Care services.

Services Offered
  • Bathing and Grooming: Our caregivers assist clients with bathing, showering, and grooming routines, ensuring personal hygiene is maintained with sensitivity and respect for privacy.
  • Dressing and Personal Appearance: We help clients with dressing, selecting appropriate clothing, and ensuring they look and feel their best.
  • Toileting and Incontinence Care: Compassionate assistance is provided with toileting needs, including bathroom visits and incontinence care, to promote comfort and dignity.
  • Mobility Assistance: Our caregivers offer support with transferring, walking, and mobility aids to help clients move around safely and comfortably.
  • Medication Reminders: We provide gentle reminders for medication schedules, ensuring clients take their prescribed medications on time and as directed.
  • Meal Assistance: Assistance with meal preparation, feeding, and hydration is offered according to the client’s dietary preferences and nutritional needs.
  • Companionship: Beyond personal care tasks, our caregivers offer companionship and emotional support, engaging in meaningful conversations and activities to promote social interaction and mental well-being.